Omron Fat Loss Monitor HBF 306 MRP : Rs  2980  Our Price : Rs 2503 Model Number: HBF-306 Manufacturer: Omron Features: 
  • Data memory for 9 persons
  • Body fat % assessment (low / normal / slightly high / high)
  • Graphical interpretation of body type
  • Indicates Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) display
  • Measures Body Fat Percentage
  • Compact and lightweight
  • No need to remove clothing
  • Easy to operate
  • Light-weight Hand-held model
  • Quick, accurate and easy!

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John Smith January 12, 2012, Wednesday, at 10:23 a.m.

Nunc porta turpis vitae tellus pulvinar dapibus. Morbi ut leo sapien, vel vulte orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce sed nisi enim, et tincidunt nunc.

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  • Accurately track body fat for a lean, healthier you!
  • Feel great about your fitness and weight loss efforts - even when the scale may not show the numbers you want. Tracking your body fat percentage (instead of just body weight) lets you know you're losing the "right" weight - fat instead of muscle.
  • Personal trainers prefer and recommend the Omron Fat Loss Monitor.*
  • In addition to being used worldwide, you may have seen the Omron Fat Loss Monitor in your gym or fitness center. That's because it's also trusted by personal trainers - for its accuracy and ease of use. Most personal trainers track their client's body fat as a key indicator of exercising and healthy weight loss success. And more trainers plan to use the Omron Fat Loss Monitor over other devices including calipers.
  • Accurate Technology In Your Home.
  • This monitor uses bioelectric impedance to measure your body fat versus lean body weight. Simple input your personal data and grip the unit. It sends a gentle current through your upper torso to measure in seconds.